Bean Here Bean There Coffee & Cocoa
Bean Here Bean There ,Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Signature Roast Coffee Beans, 400g.
Single Origin
Kochere Station, Ethiopia
ELEVATION 1800-2200 m.
TASTING NOTES: berry, mandarin, hibiscus
Light roast
Get a taste of tradition with this Kochere washing station coffee! It's got all the fruity and floral flavors of Yirgacheffe region's washed coffees, with notes of berry, mandarin and hibiscus. So delicate and nuanced, you'll want to savor every sip (and maybe even do a little happy dance).
Ethiopia, known as the birthplace of coffee, boasts the largest variety of coffee plants worldwide. While much of this coffee is still found growing in the wild and remains undiscovered, it is all of the highest quality Arabica variety. Typically referred to as "heirloom varietals," the Jimma Agricultural Research Center is now working to properly identify and label these unique species. With the majority of coffee grown by small land holders in diverse environments such as "coffee forests," Ethiopia continues to produce some of the world's most exceptional coffee. Grown at elevations above 7,000 feet, this Grade 2 washed coffee from the Yirgacheffe region is a prime example of the specialty grade coffee Ethiopia is known for. Unlike other countries, Ethiopian coffee is graded solely on its cup quality and defect count, not size, with Grade 1 and Grade 2 being considered specialty grade.